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There was a blonde sitting on a plane in first ...

icon 10.08.2012 icon 0x icon 1302x
There was a blonde sitting on a plane in first class seats with an economy class ticket. The flight attendant asked to check her ticket.
'Excuse me' she said 'you only have an economy class ticket but you are sitting in first class. Could you please move to your allocated seat.'

The blonde was very stubborn and said 'Im blonde and beautiful and I'm going to New York.'

So the flight attendant went to another flight attendant and told her the problem. Her answer was the same.

'Im blonde and beautiful and Im going to new york.'

This went on throught 4 other flight attendants.

Finally they went to the captain and told him the problem.

He said 'I can handle this' and went to talk to her.

Hw whispered something in her ear and she got up and ran to economy class.

All the flight attendatns were shocked and they asked him how he did it.

He said 'I told her first class wasn't going to New York.'
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